Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Presentation God is interesting read

Scott Schwertly is an expert in presentations and you get more than an inkling of how much he knows as you go through his newest book, HOW TO BE A PRESENTATION GOD by Wiley and Sons with a copyright of 2011. He crams a lot of information into the book but I found the underlying philosophy of presenting to be the most valuable content. There are several sentences that might summarize his philosophy but I am going to chooose this one: "Our worst enemy is our own low expectations. What if the opportunity at hand is far, far bigger than anything you could have imagined? What would you do? Don't just make a living, Change the world."

He points out in this book that on a daily basis more than 30 million face to face presentations are made. He calls this about the oldest form of mass communication and he seems to have a point. After all, we are still using the principles espoused by Aristotle ON RHETORIC as the foundation for our rhetorical skills training today.

Schwertly brings the reader up to date with presentation software ideas and with a detailed description of several key audiences, which in themselves make the book worth its price.

Students who have had me for public speaking at Coker College know my three major rules of being successful on the platform: Know your audience; Know you are prepared; Know your subject. Schwertly does a good job of explaining the whys and hows of these three principles, which may be why I enjoyed the book so much.

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