Sunday, October 26, 2008

Resources and Research

Decided this was a good place to make a couple of dot connections in the book world. Today I finished PLANET GOOGLE. The connection that hit me was with a book I read earlier in the year, PLANET INDIA. We would not be talking about the rising middle class in India if it were not for the information explosion and the vision of some Indian entrepreneurs in industries ranging from information services to medicine. That brings me to the idea of PLANET GOOGLE. The author of that book continues to get back to the crux of the Google business plan -- to organize and store ALL of the world's information. If there were not for online information storage places in what is now being called the "Cloud" those people in India who are enjoying the new middle class life style would not be where they are. Heck, none of us would be where we are, including me writing this blog. My hope is that those people in my Coker College public speaking classes realize they should not stop with the first piece of information they find when they hit the google search button. I hope they take into account the deeper web and find they can significantly strengthen the content of their talks.

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